BPP/Agraria commences BioAgriculture Microbial commercial trials in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia.

 Microbial trials at a Rose farm in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. 

 Microbial trials at a Rose farm in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. 

 14 May 2018, Cameron Highlands.

After concluding a succesful pilot trial, BPP/Agraria is embarking on a large scale commercial trial in Cameron Highlands with farmers across several different vegetations.

The commercial trials are testing a range of it’s Supermicrobial suite of microbial biopesticides and biofungicides to determine its efficacy in combating a number of common insects and diseases. The crops being treated include Chilli, Cucumbers, Cabbages, Siew Pak Choy and include Floriculture such as Roses.

Junior Microbiologist Chong Jin Lig who has been stationed in Camerons since January said farmers are excited about the possibility of using microbes to solve previously near impossible issues.

”Most of the farmers here had never known of microbial applications until they heard of our success with Pagar 9000 at the Pilot farm. Word has been spreading fast and we are getting applications almost every day to be included in the commercial trials. Part of the appeal has to do with the cost and speed at which they wish to see results” Chong said.

Supermicrobials had previously conducted glasshouse trials on rice fields in Sekinchan, Selangor and saw harvests double in yield. Preparations are underway to commence field trials on a commercial scale.




Pravin Pillai